How technology has impacted our society?

Tonight i went back and added another 300 words to my body essay.
Tonight was a long night it was so hard to come up with enough information to fill another 10 note cards on top of my other ones.
Tonight with all my information i was gathering before i came up with a more condensed version of my thesis. I also had to write 200 words of the body of my essay.
Over this weekend i researched in greater detail my topic so i could fill even more of my excel spreadsheet.
Tonight i had to gather a ton of information on my topic and then i compressed all of it down onto 7 note card or  in my case i put them into an excel spreadsheet 
Tonight i refined my research to a more narrow topic so i could make a tentative thesis. Once i found my thesis i picked out main topics from my research and made an outline.
Tonight i researched more about technology and got a broad overview of what technology is so i can start to make an overview of my project.
Today i am very nervous doing this because i am very unfamiliar with this new website and I'm confused about why i am making it.